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Differences and Similarities between FR Jacket and FR Vest

Differences and Similarities between FR Jacket and FR Vest

Forge FR has a wide variety of FR Jackets and FR Vest. We bring to light the similarities and differences between FR Jackets and FR Vests. FR Jackets and FR Vest are designed in a way to keep the wearer protected from fire, fire hazards, and chilly winters at the same time. It is a wise choice for everyone working in fire-prone as well as cold places.


FR Jacket and FR Vest Differences


FR Jacket always contains sleeves that cover your whole upper body while the FR vest does not contain sleeves through which your FR shirts are visible.

Safety against fire

FR jackets have greater protection against fire, fire hazards, and cold winters compared to FR vests. FR jacket provides complete upper body coverage and gives warmth, and also provides safety in severe cold while FR Vest provides you safety, it covers your upper body but not your sleeves to have a comfortable move.

Protection from winters

An FR Jacket is suitable for harsh winter conditions, providing warmth, comfort, and protection from cold while, an FR Vest is designed for light winters, with less covering and easy movement.

FR Jacket and FR Vest Similarities

Easy movement

The FR Jackets and FR Vest lets the wearer have easy movement for quick and safe work. Both FR Jackets and FR vests from Forge FR have zippers built into them. These zippers make it easier, quicker, and comfortable to put on and take off their FR Jacket & and FR Vest when needed.


Both FR jackets and FR Vest from Forge FR have a High visibility feature, Whether it’s an FR Jacket or an FR Vest both provide equal visibility which helps you to stay protected while at the work where risk of fire and fire-flashes is involved.


Both FR jackets and FR Vest provide safety against fire and cold winters in harsh conditions, You can always stay safe and comfortable in any environment & and conditions while wearing an FR Jacket and FR Vest from Forge FR.

Wide Variety

Forge FR gives the wearer a lot of choices with its vast variety of FR Jackets and FR Vests to break the monotony of Fire-resistant workwear.



We care for your time and safety too, so we bring Forge FR’s FR Jackets and FR Vests for you that can be worn at your work and at parties or meetings after work. Forge FR Jackets and FR Vests are perfect fits for your daily workwear for comfortable movement. Order now from Forge FR to have a protected and stylish routine ahead. 

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